Cartoons are an Effective, Quick and Long-Lasting Means of Communication

Cartoons Can: 

Convey a message quicker than words
Cartoons are immediate and effective!

Lighten the mood 
Cartoons are immediate and effective!

Engage your audience
Get people to pay attention!

Get your message to stick
Cartoons are shared and remembered!

Increase your marketing open rates 
Cartoons attract attention and spawn viral pass-alongs!


Examples of Semi-Custom Cartoons
(Fun and budget-friendly) 

I'll modify any existing cartoon to meet your needs!
Change the text, names, characters, colors, objects, background...whatever!
All we need to know is:
1. The cartoon you want.
2. How you want to change it.
3. How you want to use it.
We'll get back to you wihtin 24 hours. 

Examples of Custom Cartoons
(Just about anything you want!) 

Your custom cartoon can be just art, or art + words.
Let me create something funny just for you. 

All we need to know is:
Contact the business manager with your idea
and we will walk you through what we need to
get your custom cartoon project up and running.