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You searched for: weather

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  • Swiss cheese husband tells mad wife wind in holes whistled at sexy cheese lady.
  • Flattered frozen lake takes man’s thin ice danger sign as a compliment.
  • Warm sun killer says snowmen police with melted victim crime scene photo can’t prove anything.
  • Scared snowflakes at move theater watch person’s ice melting tongue kill frozen victim.
  • Man tells lady reading in snowstorm at seashore ok if summer beach reads not finished & come home.
  • Frosty the snowman in restroom thaws arms washing hands in warm water.
  • Intermittent storm cloud with pouring rain patches aimed on purpose says it likes to hit cookouts.
  • Tiny cloud child rains drizzle helping huge lightning storm dad for Father’s Day.
  • Man waters houseplant like flowers outside window blooming in rain but flower wilts unfortunately.
  • Freezing cold guy drops pants in public exposing underwear embarrassing self to warm up.
  • Icy snowstorm temps quickly freeze chilly bus commuter’s warm coffee cup to iced.
  • Snowman parent with painful chewed carrot nose noticed infant snow child started to teethe.

You searched for: weather