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You searched for: university

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Graduating engineer college students toss flying machine mortar boards.
  • Cat audience applauds hibernating bears doing nothing for months at a time presentation.
  • Christmas trees artists class draws ornaments undressed naked tree modeling.
  • Snoopy's with dog house roof experience, teaches reindeer how to balance on roofs.
  • Rowdy reptile turtles crowded inside tortoise shell house party drink beer keg cups and flirt.
  • Obese squirrel expert teaches Ted Talks lesson on best bird feeders.
  • Santa teaches sled Ted Talk lecture to reindeer audience.
  • Dog speaker gives disgusting trash eating Ted Talk lecture to student dogs audience.
  • Mr. Potatohead gives diploma to graduating Potatohead student.
  • Sad nine watching TV wanted to work at the Weather Channel but didn’t have a temperature degree symbol.
  • Flies in classroom learn how to be annoying.
  • Elf questions his choice of college major when seeing a garden gnome headed to work.

You searched for: university