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You searched for: sandwich

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Oriole songbird Oreo cookie spoof is bird flavored for cats.
  • Australian predator crocodile couple with marsupial pocket sandwiches both like pita koalas.
  • Older fairytale Hansel and Gretel kids run to sneaky witch’s avocado toast home.
  • Consumers arrested for wearing ball cap to hockey game, using pot holder for pan, putting grapes in sandwich bag & duct tape on not a duct product crimes.
  • Consumer criminals wore bowling shirt playing pool, used table spoon at counter, ate cold cuts room temp & used baby powder when old in product crimes.
  • Criminal customers eat deli lunch meats at dinner, wore sun dress in cloudy weather, spread jelly with butter knife & walking in running sneakers.
  • Sneaky dog coworker runs off stealing owner’s lunch in working from home problems.
  • Hoagie browses sandwich profile on Grindr parody smartphone dating app.
  • Man enjoys eating his repaired pita pocket sandwich.
  • Dagwood ages from sandwiches to medications.
  • Flatbread sandwich comes into being when piano falls on sandwich.
  • A cheeseburger is in heaven, while pastrami is in purgatory.

You searched for: sandwich