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You searched for: news

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  • Hairy hiker covered in shed cats pet hair mistaken for Sasquatch by news reporters.
  • Optimist snow physician tells melting snowman puddle on scale fortunately he’s losing water weight.
  • Mouse asks anxious rodent watching smartphone cat video website if doomscrolling again.
  • Stressed pet owner watches elections results news with supportive cats & dogs on lap.
  • Zombie monster on smartphone scared by awful Twitter social media tweets posted online.
  • Frustrated ninja sloth suddenly smashes upsetting television newscast reporting endless awful news stories.

  • Worried family thinks Thanksgiving thoughts about enough food, washing dishes, political fights & sneaking pie.
  • Trick or treater in cellphone costume tells scared man his favorite celebrity is trending on social media.
  • Lying Dracula on laptop posts fake vampires info articles fooling woman on internet
  • Helicopter reporter gives traffic delay report inside sand timer.
  • Naughty cats destroy house but win newspaper best behaved cat award.
  • Excited mattress on computer discovers it is a queen on genealogy website.

You searched for: news