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You searched for: music

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  • Shed needle behind Christmas tree at party suggests not shaking butt disco dancing.
  • Hummingbird scolds trendy young bird wearing baseball cap for beatboxing instead of humming.
  • Cannabis dispensary closes to restock inventory after customers Willie Nelson & Snoop Dogg purchase entire store.
  • Sleeping song titles on tired cat’s smartphone playlist by Beatles, REM, My Bloody Valentine & Metallica.
  • Boat captain tells scared scuba diver singing shark guitarist is busking shark.
  • Disgusting guitars picking noses in music shop display shocks grossed out customer.
  • Australian predator crocodile couple with marsupial pocket sandwiches both like pita koalas.
  • Young Talking Heads musician David Byrne wears huge oversized diapers in earlier childhood style.
  • Disinterested cats ignore boring Christmas Eve & day holidays, celebrate favorite Boxing Day empty box party.
  • Long beard classic rock band ZZ Top musicians have huge ass ZZ Bottom behinds.
  • Driver enjoys song on car radio until annoying G.P.S. directions voice interrupts favorite part of purpose.
  • Star Wars movie stormtrooper on smartphone’s music playlist all missing you song titles.

You searched for: music