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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Vampires company manager says worker with three fangs is their most productive employee.
Meat, cheese & veggie platter hors d'oeuvre foods in executive business suits vote to take a dip.
Cruel snow manager’s carrot nose stick work motivation method frustrates snowmen office workers.
Before virus lockdown boss uses business jargon in meetings, after work at home quotes Price is Right television game show.
Office workers in pajamas have trouble readjusting to in person dress codes after remote working from home.
Remote worker can’t leave desk with napping cat boss asleep on lap.
Blurry picture of too much caffeine espresso business founder in office is painted with shaking lines.
Grouchy cat boss knocks telecommuting owner’s paperwork off desk in harsh performance review.
Demanding dog and cat bosses want bellies rubbed by owner in working from home problems.
Angry manager shows Godzilla destroying store no eating rule sign.
Boss asks worker in meeting if he sees any blindspots in business plan and he says he can’t see any.
Only interview questions for dog being hired for office job are “Are you a good boy? Are you?”