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You searched for: lawsuit

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  • Dogs in court argue who legally owns peed on land to canine law judge.
  • Woman seahorse gets a maternity lawsuit by male seahorse with babies.
  • Rudolph sues sick reindeer for trademark infringement for having red nose.
  • Lawyer advises the Human Torch to wear a t-shirt with a warning that he is hot.
  • Judge in medical malpractice lawsuit sees plaintiff fall because of getting two left feet.
  • A juror at a trial is mad because the defendant is wearing the same dress as her.
  • A court rules that Frank can't call his homemade chili "Frank's Famous Chili" because none of the witnesses have heard of it.
  • Humpty Dumpty's legacy consists of a legal warning that the wall is high to prevent lawsuits.
  • A squirrel is on jury trial against a dog with whiplash for scurrying past the tethered dog.
  • A judge with a sense of humor instructs the bailiff to either deflate a beach ball or throw it back to the crowd.
  • Judge thought the person on trial in court was innocent, but the people at home voted him guilty.
  • Cat owner on trial for slander because he said that his cat acts like a dog.

You searched for: lawsuit