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You searched for: lawn

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  • Autocorrected summertime texts fixes lawn mowing cats meowing, ocean surf facial hair, inflated water balloon monkey & iced coffee collie dog drink cup.
  • Shopping addict cat compulsively buys wasted things in trash for cardboard box deliveries.
  • Dog mistakes twig for water nozzle & waits for drink in mouth but jet squirts wet butt surprise.
  • Beard & glasses disguised Potatohead man tells neighbor he’s Mr Regular head.
  • Clifford the Big Red Dog owner Emily Elizabeth drives excavator pooper scooper to clean up poo.
  • Weed army plots lawn invasion with backyard battlefield model.
  • Dog poops on woman reincarnated as grass as punishment for not picking up dog poo.
  • Dog eats lawn as medicine then enjoys rolling in grass recreationally for fun.
  • Shopper birds pushing grocery carts catch worms at Whole Foods parody supermarket.
  • Man kept awake by loud partying lawn outside window has second thoughts about planting Mardi Grass.
  • Bob Dylan uses an electric powered lawnmower to cut the grass.
  • Grub uses GPS directions on his smartphone to find roots underground.

You searched for: lawn