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You searched for: heat

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  • Frosty the snowman in restroom thaws arms washing hands in warm water.
  • Bird in bed with cooked Thanksgiving roast asks if sex was hot for her too.
  • Lizard tells frog soaking in heated Jacuzzi you never know when to get out.
  • Surprised lady at gym hot yoga class sees owl with mat working out at hoot yoga bird fitness.
  • Chickens friends drink at bar, asks if tried hot yoga workout & hen answers plucked & roasted chicken Glenda has.
  • Corn therapist asks popped corn couple at appointment if their relationship sometimes gets heated.
  • Clean humor clown trapped in washing machine & dry humor dead clown in laundry dryer.
  • Freezing cold guy drops pants in public exposing underwear embarrassing self to warm up.
  • Cat friends switch warmed floor spots Valentines & kitties love cozy gifts.
  • Auto salesman asks melted Frosty the Snowman puddle on test drive if he likes car’s heated seated feature.
  • Russian nesting doll mother with air conditioner behind says she installed it for her children inside.
  • Pet goldfishes in dangerously empty fish bowl optimistically say on bright side humidity is low.

You searched for: heat