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You searched for: genetic engineering

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  • Peel-free bananas are safer fruit since you won't slip.
  • Baseball sports scandal shows ballplayers genetically engineered for smaller strike zones.
  • Fairytale of how to tell a true princess updated, The Princess and the Genetically-Enhanced Pea.
  • A jury of the defendant's clones finds the defendant not guilty of cloning.
  • A researcher can't lose his grant because he's accidentally made himself half beaver and needs money to turn back.
  • Genetic engineer claims anything in their laboratory could be a duck.
  • A politician is genetically engineered to shake hands and kiss babies more efficiently.
  • Scientists genetically engineer an apple to keep the doctor and others away.
  • A bunny is genetically engineered to be more lucky.
  • Brussels sprouts are genetically altered to look like French fries.
  • You fall asleep counting sheep, but stay awake counting genetically modified sheep.
  • Cats workout at the gym to prepare for a race of Uber rodents.

You searched for: genetic engineering