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You searched for: fruit

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  • Wine bottles party guests gossip about older wine lady dating younger grapes bunch.
  • Angry pet owner’s fat dog’s belly filled with empty Thanksgiving cornucopia fruits and veggies.
  • Rejected apple in counseling left on tree tells therapist about hurt feelings.
  • Sleepy Hollow headless horse man ghost tries banana, prune, watermelon & broccoli heads before choosing pumpkin.
  • Tortoise parents test feeding finicky baby veggies but it pulls head inside shell & refuses to eat peas.
  • Watermelon slice says gesundheit to sick seedless slice with seeds sneezed everywhere.
  • Meat, cheese & veggie platter hors d'oeuvre foods in executive business suits vote to take a dip.
  • Reborn loaf teaches ripe bananas audience freezer banana bread reincarnation miracle.
  • Cherry disappointed fortune teller’s tough & strong prediction was candied Christmas fruit cake destiny.
  • Bigger hydrated grape tells tiny wrinkled raisins it moisturizes.
  • Kid eating seedless watermelon asks what happened to seeds but elsewhere unlucky man has melon filled with all.
  • Heroic pet cat in tree knocks apple on physicist Isaac Newton’s head, discovering gravity theories.

You searched for: fruit