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You searched for: elderly

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  • Slow old dog misses treat bounced off nose & thinks reflexes first to go with age.

  • Slow old dog misses treat bounced off nose & thinks reflexes first to go with age.
  • Couple celebrates after family left Thanksgiving dinner without talking about politics.
  • Turkey reading newspaper is insulted by old man’s complaint about his wrinkled throat skin.
  • Annoyed centuries old vampire on computer scrolls down long website birthday years list.
  • Hospital emotional support dog on smartphone fitness tracker achieves 20 lap goal cuddling elderly patients.
  • Old man performs loud intestinal issue smartphone conversation one man show onstage to audience.
  • Rebellious insect bumble bee balances, silkworm wears rayon shirt, old age June mayfly lives & silverfish athlete wins first place Olympics gold.
  • Misspelled Thanksgiving texts autocorrected bread stuffing staffing, turkey gobble Google, cranberry sauce saw & underwear gift thongs giving.
  • Disappointed mice in science experiment maze wait with kids trick-or-treat candy.

You searched for: elderly