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You searched for: drug

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  • Cannabis dispensary closes to restock inventory after customers Willie Nelson & Snoop Dogg purchase entire store.
  • Cat customer shops dispensary’s catnip cannabis herb varieties in jars.
  • Leprechauns’ shamrock cannabis dispensary sells St. Patrick’s Day pot varieties.
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  • Wasted kitties roll in intoxicating cat-nip pasta after oregano herbs recipe mistake.
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  • Office supply store tests acid free printer papers pee for LSD drugs in backroom.
  • Cat marijuana dispensary customer buys kitty named feline catnip herb kind buds selection.
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  • Cat sneaks outlawed catnip drugs illegally at secret blackmarket purr-easy speakeasies’ entrance.
  • Man gives joint rolling papers wrapped gift after Christmas wrapping paper ordering mistake.
  • Autocorrected depressed beach sand dune, sunscreen sun yells, stoned ocean toad & rude bird sea gull gall spelling changes.

You searched for: drug