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Pooping Disney’s Winnie the Pooh’s thinks peeing relative Winnie the Peeh goes into the forest more often.
Disney characters Eeyore, Piglet & Tigger find Pooh bear pooping in Hundred Acre Woods.
Snow White dwarf Grumpy on Iphone shows awful current events website to Disney’s & all their faces turn grumpy.
Angry Disney’s Grumpy Dwarf in counseling complains everyone thinks he’s one dimensional but he’s annoyed, cranky, irritable, fed up…
Fortune teller’s crystal ball foresees Prince Charming marry snow white Frosty the Snowman husband.
Cartoon character rehab for far gone Far Side, rick-rolled Rick & Morty, too many bowls Captain Crunch, conditioner overdose Rapunzel, Garfield confused Heathcliff, impulsive Awkward Yeti Heart, Toy Story Piggy Bank needs change & Simpsons Krusty not funny haha.
Doctor diagnoses drift wood brain puppet Pinocchio’s wandering thoughts concentration problems.
Embarrassed cat tells Mickey Mouse ear hat wearing cat to think of the optics paired together.
Long itchy nose Pinocchio on cellphone shopping website orders back scratcher to reach out of reach rash.
Insomniac customers buy sleeping poison apples at fairytale evil queen entrepreneur’s profitable business.
Wooden puppet Pinnochio on laptop surprised by big belly mother tree & Geppetto dad picture on family genealogy website.
Disappearing Alice in Wonderland Cheshire Cat on smartphone texts smile emoji faces.