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You searched for: diaper

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  • Young Talking Heads musician David Byrne wears huge oversized diapers in earlier childhood style.
  • Egyptian mummies parent thinks changing kid’s dirty diaper will take all afternoon.
  • Mother rocking infant baby asks Alexa virtual assistant to dim lights and play lullaby music but says wont change stinky poop diaper.
  • Therapist asks baby at couples counseling if thinks mother wants to change him.
  • Santa with box of diapers tells reindeer due to complaints they are implementing changes.
  • Mother gets revenge with with customizable baby wipes.
  • A baby gets party training instead of potty training.
  • Mr. Potato Head takes off his nose so he can ignore his child's diaper.
  • New dad exclaims he has a paper jam with the baby wipes.
  • Technology we could use is a diaper where you insert a wipe to clean baby automatically.
  • Employee changing Mr. Monopoly is called a game changer while he's getting diaper changed.
  • Gods stage an intervention to get Cupid to stop wearing diapers.

You searched for: diaper