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You searched for: convict

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Maze tattooed rodent criminal at bar tells mouse he got prison tat inside laboratory jail.
  • Lenny says jury foreman didn't say guilty with enough conviction.

  • Inmate wonders when his cell mate's long run-on sentences will be over.
  • Criminal is surprised when court throws surprise party for 25th conviction.
  • Verdict looks grim for defendant as trial jury sings lyrics to "Na Na Hey Hey."
  • Cartoonist takes Father's Day off much like Bill Keane.
  • A man is convicted of faking an injury, but then walks on a banana peel.
  • A prison shows previews of its summer releases.
  • Mary's little lamb was actually a criminal.
  • A dog says the evidence he shed all over a couch is only circumstantial.
  • People in a prison correct each other.

You searched for: convict