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Vicious snapping turtles painfully bite Captain Crunch character on dangerous cereal box parody.
Son’s Ketchup & Froot Loops dinner seems normal to dad after increasingly weird flavor mixes.
Cartoon character rehab for far gone Far Side, rick-rolled Rick & Morty, too many bowls Captain Crunch, conditioner overdose Rapunzel, Garfield confused Heathcliff, impulsive Awkward Yeti Heart, Toy Story Piggy Bank needs change & Simpsons Krusty not funny haha.
Disgusting St Patricks Day Irish eyes Looky Charms parody eyeballs breakfast cereal package is magically dilated.
Post Honey Bunches of Oaks cereal brand parody has stinging bees, crunchy tree sticks & beehive and murder hornets.
Quaker Oats man asks annoyed hosts if he can sleep on couch after late party.
Cream of Wheat brand spoof canary birds instant cat breakfast cereal package.
Spoof gross Cheerios brand mushy oats cereal package oozes in mouth with no chewing.
Beaver eats parody Post brand post wooden log cereal for breakfast.
Zombie parody of Kellogg’s Crave is brain flavored Grave cereal.
Minion Wheats new breakfast cereal.
Crackle and Pop are jealous wives are spending so much time on Snapchat.