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Cat sneaks outlawed catnip drugs illegally at secret blackmarket purr-easy speakeasies’ entrance.
Vampire’s invisible I.D. photo makes vampire nightclub bouncer’s job challenging.
At bar, staple remover bouncer keeps drunk staples in order.
A bouncer refuses to let Eeyore, Charlie Brown, and Droopy into Happy Hour.
Fish Bar bouncer at a fish bar waves in all the fish but discriminates by denying anchovies entrance.
A bouncer pulls a man away from a poker game after mishearing him say he's counting carbs.
Cave people hide enormous dinosaur eggs for Easter egg hunt.
A pair of spinning tops get kicked out of a topless night club.
Oscar the grouch, Barney, Sylvester and Eeyore pick unsuitable jobs that end their careers.
Basketballs in a bar have to watch out for the NBA player bouncer.