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Noisy barking dogs at cinema watch scary anything that moves film.
Leaf falling outside tempts peeking dog to break less barking New Year’s Resolution goal.
Canine coach in dugout says entire baseball fumbling Chihuahuas dog team has yips.
Arguing dogs bark out window at night fighting with strangers in dog internet comments.
Dog on laptop website types Googles’ suggested search terms things to bark at, sniff, roll in, eat, throw up, eat again & regret.
Annoyed trees surrounded by peeing dogs sniffing trunks in park complain there are too many streaming services.
Misbehaving pet dog plays canine bingo games destroying house and disgusting owner each day.
Coworkers talking in cat and dog have trouble readjusting return to office after Covid lockdowns.
Pet owners with talking dog begging for table scraps regret getting canine speech chip technology.
Greek myth Pandora grossed out by boxer dog’s awful smelly breath in her face.
Noisy cat and dog coworkers chatting is pet owner’s working from home problem.
Dog is a motion detector when barking out window and an emotion detector when comforting sad owner.