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Sharing sized candies bag surprises disbelieving canine grocery shopper.
Vicious snapping turtles painfully bite Captain Crunch character on dangerous cereal box parody.
Disgusting offal meat Starwurst Starburst candy sausages parody made from you don’t want to know.
Sign advertising massage therapist’s literal bodies touching career scares customers away.
Shaving company complains bearded Santa Claus hired to promote razors but contract didn’t say shave face.
Banner plane advertising Ace Super Strong Rope ironically breaks tow line flying over beach.
Kool Aid Man crashes glass drink pitcher dummies testing brick wall smash safety.
Bulky Michelin Man tire brand mascot sees popular winter puffer coats & thinks he’s an influencer.
Cartoon character rehab for far gone Far Side, rick-rolled Rick & Morty, too many bowls Captain Crunch, conditioner overdose Rapunzel, Garfield confused Heathcliff, impulsive Awkward Yeti Heart, Toy Story Piggy Bank needs change & Simpsons Krusty not funny haha.
Muppet Kermit asks awkward sexual ass requests to Hamburger Helper brand glove.
Man at walk traffic signal advertising shoe brand Ace Footwear asks when excessive consumer marketing everywhere happened.
British man on laptop in England clicks accept biscuits instead of American website cookies version in United States.