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You searched for: sewing

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Dog sees bird steal man’s pizza slice and is inspired to sew wings to fly.
  • Balls enter scary tower & exit patch sewn face baseball monsters.
  • Scared pop corn kernel movie cinema audience watches girl stringing popcorn garland Christmas decorations torture on screen.
  • Impressed balloon grandkids grandmother lives life of needlepoint danger.
  • Forget the Hoover Dam -- President Hoover knows how to darn his socks.
  • A needle and thread go to couples therapy and learn that their relationship will take patience.
  • Team physicians practice their medical skills in preparation for baseball season.
  • Faye realizes the Columbus, Ohio costume she made for her son was misguided.
  • Snowman leaves torso at tailor for button mending.
  • Frankenstein tries to reanimate the turkey leftovers.
  • Frankenstein wants a scar like Harry Potter's.
  • A family gives their mom a quilting intervention because she keeps cutting squares out of all the fabric in the house.

You searched for: sewing