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Doctor asks side-sleeper Medusa with flat snake hairs squashed to head which side she sleeps on.
Infant’s dad wishes babies came with instructions & doctor gives him love & accept your child note.
Ultrasound doctor tells pregnant Russian nesting doll she will be a mother, grandmother & great-grandmother.
Dog urologist patient carries dug up tree trunk piss sample to doctor appointment.
Etch-A-Sketch doctor yells clear, shakes dying toy blank & draws happy face to save it.
Urologist patient cats peeing urine samples in potted plants at doctors appointments.
Man covered in sharp evergreen needles tells Dr it’s not as fun as jumping into a pile of leaves.
Doctor diagnoses chimney soot covered Santa Claus’ Christmas season flue flu illness.
Kitten waiting for milk gets message on cellphone space free at 7 babies mom’s crowded nipples.
Mother cat on cellphone shows off six pack baby kittens selfie picture of newborn litter nursing on stomach.
Doctor bats monitor asleep upside-down bat patient’s Rapid Ears Movements R.E.M. echolocation motions.
Sleeping patient’s eyeballs run circles around hospital bed as doctor monitors R.E.M. rapid eye movement chart.