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You searched for: documentary

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Anteaters watching tongue eating ants on T.V. documentary are rooting for the anty-hero.
  • Dog watching dogs in Elizabethan collars on television asks dog if show is historical drama or medical documentary.
  • Indoor cat snacks on treats watching birds in nests outside window in Nestflix Netflix parody.
  • Dog on laptop reads list of scary cat true crime podcasts online.
  • Cake watches scary true crimes birthday cake killer documentary on television.
  • Nothing good on tv to too many choices on tv.
  • Teens think classic movie is documentary on obsessive compulsive disorder.
  • Spinal tap cell phones signal bars go all the way to six.
  • Boy misses a documentary on illegal file sharing, so he downloads it off the internet.
  • A DVD of 'The Best of Podiatry' with extra footage.
  • A lizard receiving an award for a nature film thanks his parents for not eating him when he was born.
  • During Oscar acceptance speech for "The Phonebook + You," Jake lists everyone he wants to thank in alphabetical order, implying that list will be long.

You searched for: documentary