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Mr. Potatohead gives diploma to graduating Potatohead student.
Sad nine watching TV wanted to work at the Weather Channel but didn’t have a temperature degree symbol.
Well Done balloon captures why cow's cooking school graduation was canceled.
Graduates of exotic dancing school mistakenly put cap tassels on body parts.
A dog shreds his diploma from obedience school.
The Wizard of Oz's HMO only covers things you don't need.
Two bachelors live together, one into science, the other art.
A baby thinks a woman's nursing degree took way too long because he learned to nurse in 4 minutes.
A man notices his doctor's wall doesn't have a medical license on it.
Dentist, while tossing away small frames, tells patient the situation is bad because the germs have set up offices with diplomas, certificates, and wall hangings.