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You searched for: stuffed animal

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  • Hammer head wins sharks fair strength meter game prizes for girlfriend.
  • Oblivious friend gives pink unicorn present to turtles obsessed lady & says can never guess what she might like.
  • Starbucks lures child's tea party guests away.
  • Boy builds Frankenstein-like giant moving bear at build-a-bear store.
  • To fly, a dog thinks happy thoughts about giving the cat a swirlie.
  • One female teddy bear gets stuffing implants, while two others look on in disgust.
  • A man drops his kid off at Build a Bear while he goes to Build a Beer.
  • Beanie Babies petition against forced retirement.
  • Exiles to the land of misfit toys include Scratch-My-Rash Elmo and Reasonably Priced Pokemon Cards.
  • Children swarm a man's house when he hands out Pokemon cards on Halloween.
  • A surgeon can't reattach a Beanie Baby's tag.
  • Beanie Babies rebel by cutting off their own tags.

You searched for: stuffed animal