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You searched for: salt

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  • Annoyed waitress owner asks cat knocking salt shakers off table if it’s 8th time it asked for salt.
  • Snow cinema audience terrified as horror film salt shaker Jason watches snowflake victim out window.
  • Single wine glass at bar tells martini margarita is cute but can’t get past salt flake dandruff flaw dating deal breaker.
  • Vampire on laptop with melted face gives Instacart online groceries garlic potato chips substitution 1 star review.
  • Salt at party whispers to pepper shaker it doesn’t know PS shaker is but he always has the last word.
  • Suspicious snowman sees salted foods on computer browser history as wife brings him a snack.
  • Dog melts snow with urine.
  • Woman who does have caffeine at home mistakes salt for sugar when making coffee at work.
  • Snowmen and slugs are being attacked by salt shakers.

  • Grim Reaper tells diner to say when as he's salting his food from hourglass.

  • Waiter pours ants on top of anteater's food to season it.
  • Salt and pepper shakers agree to fist bump rather than handshake when they meet.

You searched for: salt