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You searched for: sales people

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Salesperson at auto dealership isn’t sure about new employee, a terrified cat too scared of cars to sell to customer.
  • Saleswoman targets Spongebob's complexion for pore concealer.
  • These cat owners get insurance for everything a cat might break
  • A bird couple wants to see a bird house on the seedier part of town.
  • A vacuum salesman sells an empty box.
  • A dog makes a very good car salesmen for other dogs.
  • A car called 'The Presidential' changes based on its owner's approval ratings.
  • A dog buys a bed that spins around for him.
  • A Rogaine salesman shows Charlie Brown what he would look like if he wasn't bald.
  • Salespeople are supposed to ask their clients about themselves, so a man asks if his client has always been fat and dumpy.

You searched for: sales people