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Trick or treating kid in authentic canine costume eats all the treat candies & wrappers shocking pet dog and owner.
Artistic smartphones with realistic Renaissance Sistine Chapel God hand, abstract geometric squares, split screen cubism & headphone wire wrapped classical & modern famous art styles.
Frustrated artist Picasso’s abstract portrait painting autocorrects changing from cubism to realistic.
Contractor in group of construction workers repairing building greets audience, taking down the fourth wall of comic.
Doctor regrets patient's five fingered prosthetic compared to four fingered cartoon hand.
Reality television show features unrealistic situations.
During the shooting of Spider Man, the director makes a suggestion.
A basketball video game that is very realistic.
An abstract painter hopes his painting will be moved over to the realism section.
A robot cat is too realistic when it doesn't do anything it's supposed to.
A woman talks a man into eating a Lifesaver with lint on it by telling him it's a realistically peach-flavored one.
People who went to a remastered version of Slap Shot come out with bruises from the hockey pucks.