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You searched for: punctuation

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Pet owner lets kitty walking on laptop keys pick difficult internet security login passwords.
  • Kitty novelist sleeps on laptop keyboard & types random letters punctuation to complete writing novel in one night.
  • Apostrophe couple joined in marriage as quotation marks at punctuation wedding.
  • Salt at party whispers to pepper shaker it doesn’t know PS shaker is but he always has the last word.
  • Asterisk fish annoys starfish by butting into private conversation.
  • Emoticons gossip about emojis plastic surgery.
  • Riddler wins Jeopardy because he can answer in question form.
  • Woman accepts skywriting proposal to marry Mel, not kneeling boyfriend.
  • The computer symbol @ becomes a big shot after the Internet is invented.
  • Punctuation marks visit Mexico, and notice half of them are upside down there.
  • A group of symbols see a period piece at the movies.

You searched for: punctuation