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Doughnut hopes wet spot on other’s crotch is dunked coffee.
Messy Easter egg dyes baffles mom & kid but earlier swimming eggs splash spills on counter.
Optimist snow physician tells melting snowman puddle on scale fortunately he’s losing water weight.
Auto salesman asks melted Frosty the Snowman puddle on test drive if he likes car’s heated seated feature.
Disgusted cat asks messy tongue drinking dog if any water got in mouth but it isn’t sure.
Police milk cartons investigating crime scene suspicious unemotional suspect isn’t crying over dead spilled milk.
Peeing skeleton drinking coffee in puddle tells vampire it goes right through it.
Depressed wet man sadly walking in storm compared to wilted flower blocked by rain cloud water depicts feeling gloomy emotional sadness.
Flattened cartoon Simpsons Homer squished for Jewish holiday matzo bread dough catchphrase.
Frustrated cellphone mother’s smartphone kids track dirty mud puddles on clean kitchen floor.
Naughty cat on smartphone shows off torn curtains & spilled plants mess in selfie photo.
Snowman on laptop genealogy website sees dirty pond, puddle & toilet water DNA search results.