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Mrs. Potatohead gives husband smiling lips Christmas present so he can act happy about other gifts.
Grocery shopper picks cute sweet potatoes or rude dirt bag jerk vegetable displays.
Dry cleaning guy painfully rubbing starchy Mr. Potatohead on ironed shirt asks customer if he said extra starch.
Mr Potatohead & date change face eyes & noses to extra kissing lips for epic make out session.
Potato head mom tells son building snowman with bare face sibling’s pieces not what she meant when said include brother.
Mr Potatohead movie theater audience cheers super hero potatoes fighting mashed nemesis.
Potatohead lady on date complains potato eye sprouting Mr Potatohead’s internet pics looked younger.
Supportive root vegetable onion, carrot, beet & potato fan veggies cheer friendly encouragement.
Potato apologizes to tomato veggie party guest for pronouncing name incorrectly.
Autocorrected holiday texts turnip turns up volume, weightlifter pumpkin pie pumping iron, groovy hippy gravy boat & masher nervous sweet potato sweats.
Ninja sloth mashes potatoes with stubborn man’s head when he refuses to help wife cook Thanksgiving dinner.
Beard & glasses disguised Potatohead man tells neighbor he’s Mr Regular head.