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Couple celebrates after family left Thanksgiving dinner without talking about politics.
Wife tells husband nasty car trunk foods not basically the same as food truck.
Wife says man can’t let stubborn kitty official at office desk veto trips to the vet.
Zombie monster on smartphone scared by awful Twitter social media tweets posted online.
Exact same temperature water feels in warm swimming pool & freezing in shower.
Tiny eye panda with black patches covered by white makeup asks if wearing too much concealer.
Both underwater scuba diver people and threatened shark predators warn each other they are killing machine species.
Embarrassed cat tells Mickey Mouse ear hat wearing cat to think of the optics paired together.
Service dog in clothes store says awful shirt is tacky helping fashion taste impaired owner pick stylish apparel choices.
Upright bat tells sloth hanging up on tree with reversed squirrel & bird perched downwards it’s matter of perspective.
Spiders watching Amazing Spider-Man TV show complain he doesn’t help their popularity.
Mad celebrity on cellphone at dinner ironically criticizes bad reviews online then says roast chicken is dried out.