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You searched for: mascots

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Vicious snapping turtles painfully bite Captain Crunch character on dangerous cereal box parody.
  • Hippopotamus in restaurant complain meals served after Hungry Hungry Hippos boardgame.
  • Kool Aid Man crashes glass drink pitcher dummies testing brick wall smash safety.
  • Bulky Michelin Man tire brand mascot sees popular winter puffer coats & thinks he’s an influencer.
  • Cartoon character rehab for far gone Far Side, rick-rolled Rick & Morty, too many bowls Captain Crunch, conditioner overdose Rapunzel, Garfield confused Heathcliff, impulsive Awkward Yeti Heart, Toy Story Piggy Bank needs change & Simpsons Krusty not funny haha.
  • Muppet Kermit asks awkward sexual ass requests to Hamburger Helper brand glove.
  • Jolly Green Giant wife catches husband on laptop naked Eve fig leaf pornography website.
  • Snake eating meal told snake with Pillsbury Poppin’ Fresh man’s shape belly not to fill up on bread.
  • Quaker Oats man asks annoyed hosts if he can sleep on couch after late party.
  • Cream of Wheat brand spoof canary birds instant cat breakfast cereal package.
  • Green Giant mascot on smartphone fitness tracker sees 6 steps 38 miles walking distance.
  • Jolly Green Giant veggie brand mascot at urologist has pea in a pee cup urinary health sample.

You searched for: mascots