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You searched for: icons

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Dog on smartphone sends owner urgent many poop emoji text, he says bring extra bags for walk.
  • Spider designs poop face web drawing & catches many flies in trap.
  • Slob in filthy trash covered work cubicle organizes neat folder icons on computer desk-top.
  • Computer spinning wheel moon delays impatient wolfman monster transformation.
  • Hamsters on laptop get subliminal exercising urge watching circling loading screen icon spin.
  • Disappearing Alice in Wonderland Cheshire Cat on smartphone texts smile emoji faces.
  • Valentine’s texts spelling cupid tooth cuspid, smartphone social media followers flowers, Roman tick romantic & ear hear emoji heart.
  • Emoji face in counseling tells therapist you try keeping happy expression these days.
  • Man covered in app logos sneeze says gesundheit to sick woman with empty smartphone homepage.
  • Emojis get together at the Emoti-con convention.
  • Rosie the Riveted robot parodies WW2 Rosie the Riverter icon.
  • Cat's behaviors of catching mouse are akin to technology and apps.

You searched for: icons