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You searched for: golden

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Greedy King Midas jumps in swimming pool, belly flops painfully on hard golden metal water.
  • Willy Wonka alone at empty factory as no one wants to see disgusting meat sausages being made.
  • Racist green holly leaf hates red, yellow, orange leaves until its autumn foliage colors change unexpectedly.
  • Canines cinema audience enjoys film of King Midas’s paw transforming dog into gross smelly garbage.
  • Red and yellow leaves arguing in bed have both changed since beginning their relationship green.
  • A parody of Golden Grahams cereal called Golden Grammys.
  • King Midas has a conversation with his accountant.
  • Mother bear gets Goldilocks as a Mother's Day present.
  • A woman finds five golden rings by accident.
  • The hen that lays the golden eggs goes to the doctor because she's having trouble passing her eggs.
  • A chicken's fortune teller says she has a future in gold boullion -- soup boullion.

You searched for: golden