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You searched for: car accidents

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman's phone makes an impression in her face when she crashes her car.
  • A mechanic tests the air bag during a car inspection.
  • Traffic accident between NyQuil and Vicks medicine trucks prevents the highway from being congested.
  • A potatohead crashes into another potatohead's car, throwing his facial features onto him.
  • A car accident slows traffic because too many curious cats are rubbernecking.
  • A truck sunk in the ocean has a How's My Driving bumper sticker.
  • A porcupine's seatbelt helped him in a car crash, but the airbag just popped.
  • Several cars are accordioned in a pileup accident with an accordion shipping truck.
  • A cat doesn't mind a burglar stealing his stuff, but he does mind him using the litter box.
  • Angry driver demands police officer who is giving a traffic violation ticket tell him where the stop sign is that he ran, failing to notice it stuck to his car.
  • Two traffic lights in front of automobile accident, one signal light says to other she doesn't care whose turn it was, red isn't her color.

You searched for: car accidents