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You searched for: campaigns

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Bagel politician at podium with mirror exposes lying plain flavor candidate as fraud with everything behind it.
  • Anteater watches video on laptop of anteaters eating fire ants in viral challenge online.
  • On take-your-child-to-work day, speechwriter's kid makes silly promise in candidate's speech.
  • An egg plant praises Humpty Dumpty during campaigning speech.
  • Turkey's speech about slashing budget scares audience.
  • The Innocence Project helps exonerate and release the Kraken.
  • Mark's family supplies the cartoon ideas for Father's Day.
  • A dog meows at a presidential campaign speech.
  • A man buys something from a Buy One Get One sale and wonders why it seemed like a bargain.
  • Is leap year really longer or do elections make it seem that way'
  • Lice occupy Wally's receding hairline as if it's Occupy Wall Street.
  • Mr. Potatohead debate raises accusations of being two-faced and eleven-faced.

You searched for: campaigns