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You searched for: calendars

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • May fly is about to mark calendar for mayflies that’s only it’s lifespan today.
  • Dog plans daily goal food on every day of calendar.
  • Pet owner says mouse holes in wall are cat’s holiday Advent calendar.
  • Grandma's superpower is that she can remember family's' birthdays without Facebook's help.

  • A zombie' advent calendar is the game Operation.
  • A chainsaw murderer accidentally comes out on Friday the 31st instead of Friday the 13th.
  • Godzilla uses a hotel as an advent calendar.
  • Without a calendar, cavewoman can't prove man forgot anniversary.
  • Daily calendar Neal hasn't ripped any days off himself since the new year.
  • Is leap year really longer or do elections make it seem that way'
  • Elves rip off calendar days so Santa wakes up thinking he missed Christmas.
  • White Rabbit finds out his wife is pregnant by her response to "I'm late."

You searched for: calendars