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Fly apologizes for misheard shit sheet cake mistake & bug’s birthday disappointment.
Cherry disappointed fortune teller’s tough & strong prediction was candied Christmas fruit cake destiny.
Restaurant waitress asks ant eater if unhappy with cake order but it’s waiting patiently for ants.
Autocorrected texts change desserts chocolate cake to cape clothing, criminal crème brulée robber, snoring s’more & itchy rash ice cream.
City smashing Godzilla stubbed toes kicking dense Christmas fruit cake factory.
Autocorrected breakfast texts fix bagel hole beagle dog, human face man cake pancakes, scrambled egg scribbles & avocado foot toes.
Misspelled holiday texts fixed foot fruit cakes, handy candy canes, finger gingerbread cookie & mister mistletoe in autocorrected Xmas mistakes.
Stealthy slow ninja sloth suddenly bites mouthful of cake without being seen.
Weighted blankets on production line fed sweet foods to gain weight.
Cake watches scary true crimes birthday cake killer documentary on television.
All the King’s men eat cake baked with Humpty Dumpty egg at funeral.
Researcher develops cake batter bowl mouse trap to catch mice.