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You searched for: cable tv

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Man's skin on HDTV reminds boy of his moon surface project.
  • A man gets caught on a hot front while auditioning for the Weather Channel.
  • A grim reaper's wife likes to watch Lifetime TV.
  • Debate about the introduction of MTV.
  • A student athlete trains with picture-in-picture on the television.
  • Everybody watches the CNN Anchor's baby crawl.
  • A mosquito watches a 'sitting duck', a fisherman, on the food channel.
  • Small victories against technology include adding something to the dryer without it shutting off and grabbing your ATM card before the reminder beep.
  • The Dog Channel shows leather collars, choke chains, and body harnesses for dogs.
  • Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard is finally stocked and her dog has a bone because she killed the cable repair man.
  • A dog watches a TV channel with shows like How to Skin a Cat and Death of a Mailman.
  • An egg is mad at his wife for ordering every cable channel because she hates to see things scrambled.

You searched for: cable tv