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Canine dentist tells dog he can’t work on teeth with ball in mouth & runs off stealing it.
Spider designs poop face web drawing & catches many flies in trap.
Bugs at art gallery exhibit can’t pull away from spider web design artwork.
Kitty in window watches tiny mouse across street in dark but missed pet treats clearly in sight.
Lady tells date kitty on laptop online meeting in other room will take a while to get used to him.
Man attacked by pecking sea gulls regretted wearing potato chips pattern swim trunks to beach.
Italian landmark Tower of Pisa construction leans away from smelly arm pit sweat neighbor building next door.
Tired wife with morning coffee & bathrobe on dock not a mooring person as sunken boat drifts away frustrating mad husband.
Long itchy nose Pinocchio on cellphone shopping website orders back scratcher to reach out of reach rash.
Frustrated Saint Patrick failed driving slow snails out of Ireland so forces faster snakes instead.
Telecommuting remote worker with pets cat and dog asleep on lap stretches to reach laptop computer in work from home problem.
Cruel snow manager’s carrot nose stick work motivation method frustrates snowmen office workers.