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You searched for: airport

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  • Hamster in airport for trip with full cheek pouches has no bags to check.
  • Wife at party annoyed husband wearing tiny clothing stubbornly refuses to admit he grabbed wrong suitcase at airport.
  • Security kitty at boarding gate metal detector says needs to go inside air passenger’s bag.
  • Air passenger in helmet flags suitcase on luggage claim conveyer belt.
  • Bare Mr. Potatohead passenger has face and body toy pieces seized by airport security.
  • Dentist says man has no cavities but TSA airline security guard with different opinion says he begs to differ.
  • Mosquito ordering airline tickets on computer website picks peoples’ names as flight stops.
  • PacMan overpacks his suitcase with ghosts and needs to check his bag.
  • An airport charges $25 extra for respect.
  • A woman feels insecure when airport security laughs at the x-ray of her luggage.
  • Now when you go through airport screenings, you can choose what character you appear as.
  • Dogs in security line avoid body scanner because they are eager to be pat down.

You searched for: airport