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You searched for: reporter

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Hairy hiker covered in shed cats pet hair mistaken for Sasquatch by news reporters.
  • Stressed pet owner watches elections results news with supportive cats & dogs on lap.
  • Frustrated ninja sloth suddenly smashes upsetting television newscast reporting endless awful news stories.

  • Helicopter reporter gives traffic delay report inside sand timer.
  • Future reporter boy pulls farting old man’s finger getting “Pull-It Surprise” Pulitzer Prize.
  • Political pundits predict that a rock will beat scissors in the election.
  • A dog reporter says who was last at a fire hydrant based on its smell.
  • A snake mom asks her kids which of them stole hamsters from the cookie jar.
  • An egg quarterback starts to scramble.
  • Out of ideas, John Quinones asks people why they didn't bless stranger after sneezing.
  • Juror's beauty distracts courtroom artist from sketching defendant.
  • If George Foreman ruled the world, everything would be named George.

You searched for: reporter