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You searched for: snowmen

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  • Confused narwhale in love mistakes snowman carrot nose for horn.
  • Warm sun killer says snowmen police with melted victim crime scene photo can’t prove anything.
  • Snowman mother tells kid digging brother’s eyes not to play coal miner.
  • Frosty the snowman in restroom thaws arms washing hands in warm water.
  • Fighting snowmen’s face hit punches carrot through hitting snowman on nose.
  • Optimist snow physician tells melting snowman puddle on scale fortunately he’s losing water weight.
  • Snowman New Years Eve party host scooping holes in guest’s snow bum says they ran out of ice but are making do.
  • Auto salesman asks melted Frosty the Snowman puddle on test drive if he likes car’s heated seated feature.
  • Mean boy knocks head off crying girl’s snowman but Ninja Sloth shoves jerk in snow man body.
  • Potato head mom tells son building snowman with bare face sibling’s pieces not what she meant when said include brother.
  • Snowman parent with painful chewed carrot nose noticed infant snow child started to teethe.
  • Frosty the snowman rushes to porta potty restroom before snow emergency poop & pee accident.

You searched for: snowmen