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Warm sun killer says snowmen police with melted victim crime scene photo can’t prove anything.
Spirits over drink puddles at haunted New Year’s Eve party surprised they’re not drunk.
Scared snowflakes at move theater watch person’s ice melting tongue kill frozen victim.
Pet cat kills sneaky Christmas Elf on The Shelf snitching on kid’s behavior.
Bird in bed with cooked Thanksgiving roast asks if sex was hot for her too.
Scared stick figures in movie theater watch killer with pencil erasing victim.
Sad fishes at underwater funeral regret inviting laughing & smiling clam mourners.
Vampires company manager says worker with three fangs is their most productive employee.
Sleepy Hollow headless horse man ghost tries banana, prune, watermelon & broccoli heads before choosing pumpkin.
Vampires parents see monster kid in playpen with dead body’s fang teeth have come in.
Spirit on laptop video conference asks invisible ghosts in chairs to make themselves visible on screen.
Scary Halloween monsters say destructive Godzilla, changed werewolf, grim reaper & falling apart zombie supportive affirmations.