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You searched for: naughty

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  • Angry pet owner’s fat dog’s belly filled with empty Thanksgiving cornucopia fruits and veggies.
  • Lying kitty fed pet food tricks doubtful owner’s lie detector interrogation.
  • Frightened birds say scary bird house with kitty hidden inside is haunted.
  • Spoof 9-Lives cat food bag is extra large to feed lying cats.
  • Russian matryoshka doll kid home late breaks curfew & sneaks into sleeping mother.
  • Dog walking on leash tells another that owner bought two poop bags so it’ll need three stops.
  • Ninja Sloth bags gross dog poop in rulebreaker’s shirt as revenge for leaving pet’s poo by park sign.
  • Pet owner leaves adopted dog inside to get food from car and shocked house is suddenly destroyed.
  • Kitty waitstaff knocks plates and utensils on floor as diner says restaurant clears table quickly.
  • Uncomfortable owner invites relationship counselor to discuss toilet boundaries with invasive dog.
  • Kitties wearing teenager hoodie sweatshirt & pants costume’s fresh hamster order surprises pet store owner.
  • Exhausted mother cat with mischievous kittens says hardest part of having kids is not sleeping 20 hours a day.

You searched for: naughty