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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Turkey reading newspaper is insulted by old man’s complaint about his wrinkled throat skin.
Frankenstien monster with fallen booty calls sleeping mad scientist late at night.
Pet dog with tablet begs owner for tip treats to fetch ball.
Man’s Iphone warns calling pig’s contact is potentially spam scam.
Sleeping song titles on tired cat’s smartphone playlist by Beatles, REM, My Bloody Valentine & Metallica.
Rude male peacock on subway with big plumage feathers spreading on seat annoys crowded female peahen birds.
Sleeping Russian nesting doll mother is shaken awake & asks children inside who forgot to shut off their phone.
Autocorrected summertime texts fixes lawn mowing cats meowing, ocean surf facial hair, inflated water balloon monkey & iced coffee collie dog drink cup.
Computer and cellphone plug adapters optimistically say their job is to adapt but are useless trash in box a few months later.
Dog licks smartphone touchscreen to unlock phone’s secure tongue identity password protection.
Man on cellphone shot in bum by Valentine’s Day cupid has behind photo delivery proof text.
Smartphone in bed with phone after sex says you found my volume button.