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Hummingbird scolds trendy young bird wearing baseball cap for beatboxing instead of humming.
Cannabis dispensary closes to restock inventory after customers Willie Nelson & Snoop Dogg purchase entire store.
Sleeping song titles on tired cat’s smartphone playlist by Beatles, REM, My Bloody Valentine & Metallica.
Boat captain tells scared scuba diver singing shark guitarist is busking shark.
Disgusting guitars picking noses in music shop display shocks grossed out customer.
Young Talking Heads musician David Byrne wears huge oversized diapers in earlier childhood style.
Long beard classic rock band ZZ Top musicians have huge ass ZZ Bottom behinds.
Driver enjoys song on car radio until annoying G.P.S. directions voice interrupts favorite part of purpose.
Unsure hummingbird on laptop debates Google searching hummed songs’ lyrics.
Hurt ears cows band say music needs more cow bell & less painfully loud bull horns.
Guitar on smartphone instruments dating website rejected by sexy saxophone’s no strings profile.
Autocorrected holiday texts turnip turns up volume, weightlifter pumpkin pie pumping iron, groovy hippy gravy boat & masher nervous sweet potato sweats.