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You searched for: selfish

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Hamsters playing pinata game surprised candies disappear in full cheek hamster’s mouth.
  • Trick or treating kid in authentic canine costume eats all the treat candies & wrappers shocking pet dog and owner.
  • Sharing sized candies bag surprises disbelieving canine grocery shopper.
  • Rude male peacock on subway with big plumage feathers spreading on seat annoys crowded female peahen birds.
  • Lady tells man taking entire neighborhood book sharing box that’s not what the free sign means.
  • Light bulb at bar worries if thought balloon bulbs mean it’s an idea person or narcissistic.
  • Kid always asks Dad to carry stuff but refuses to let him hold candy trick-or-treating on Halloween.
  • Sneaky chipmunk trick-or-treater stuffs Halloween candy bowl in cheek pouches.
  • Self-centered psychiatrist complains man in therapy is talking about himself again.
  • Surprised Santa Claus gave himself large screen television Christmas present.
  • Guilty man feels bad for immoral online shopping, avoids woman when forgot name, doesn’t leave good review or feed dog food scraps.
  • Mean Kermit the frog in hurry pushes old lady and is hit by falling safe karmic revenge,

You searched for: selfish